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online training

With two very well received options for online training, we have students all over the world who have successfully improved their skills and became more efficient on the computer. A fantastic advantage of online training is the flexibility of the training. Whether live or on demand, the student can learn when it's most convenient for them!

All of our online courses are hosted through an external site. Please purchase your subscription, individual course, or sign up for a live webinar course by clicking below.



live webinar training

Throughout the year, we offer various courses through  live webinars. Students attend 1-2 times per week from anywhere from 2 to 10 weeks (plus homework time) and learn just as well as they would in an in-person class! Each live webinar is recorded so you can watch it later in case you missed the session, or need a refresher.


Our most popular live session is our Lunch Bytes program. held the first Thursday of every month at 12:00 PM Edmonton time. The topics are on various Microsoft Office features and are chosen in advance by the participants!


If you have a large group, you can also book your own live webinar training session. You pick the topics!

on demand training

2020 was a huge year for Know it Sooner Computer Training. With restricting our in person classes, we quickly developed a online school loaded with tons of amazing courses available to you.


Our online school can be accessed by purchasing individual courses or by subscription. Our most popular option is the Microsoft Office Bundle which includes all Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Outlook courses. This is a monthly or annual subscription to access all Microsoft Office courses we currently have on our school. We are always developing new content! Check our new course on Microsoft Teams

Most of the online courses come with homework and a homework video to review your work.

Homework is not required to be handed in. 

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